How to Heal Wounds with Spider Webs

An old country remedy to stop bleeding with spider webs — it sounds crazy, but it works!

image collage with spiderwebs; text overlay "How to Stop Bleeding with Spiderwebs"

Can You Stop Bleeding with Spider Webs?

Before we go any further, I just want to make it very clear that this is not intended to be medical advice! This is an old-fashioned home remedy that my mother-in-law swears by, so I had to find out if it really works.

When my husband and I first tried it out, we shared the results on TikTok (yep, we have a TikTok!) The video got over 1 million views and tons of comments. Turns out a lot of people have grandmas that told them about this home remedy too!

I’ve always been fascinated by home remedies and country wisdom — things that were passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays we’d call them “life hacks,” but a while back, these tricks might have really saved the day!

Imagine if you were out in the woods and got a cut. Now imagine that this is before adhesive bandages or you didn’t have anything with you! But if you could round up a spider web, you could stop the bleeding until you got somewhere to clean and properly dress the wound.

How Do Spider Webs Stop Bleeding?

People have used spider webs as bandages for centuries. Spider webs are rich in vitamin K, which helps blood clot.

There is debate over whether or not vitamin K applied topically is truly effective. However, the fact that this remedy has been around for so long lends a bit of credence to the fact that it must at least work somewhat!

What is the Difference between Cobwebs and Spiderwebs?

A spiderweb is a web that is still in use by a spider. Cobwebs are abandoned — they often fall into disrepair or contain dirt, dust, and dead insects.

I usually find myself using the terms almost interchangeably, as both are probably effective for this purpose. Though spider webs are probably cleaner due to the fact that there is less contamination by dust.

Are Cobwebs Sanitary to Use as a Bandage?

Here is another part of the debate — whether or not it’s sanitary to put a cobweb or spiderweb on an open cut.

I’ve seen claims that spider webs have anti-microbial properties, which would mean that they actually help prevent infection.

However, if you’re grabbing cobwebs out of the corner of your closet, they’re likely going to be covered in dust. My Granny says that dirt builds your immune system — though it’s debatable whether it’s a great idea to put it straight into a cut.

I couldn’t find any conclusive evidence one way or the other here. All I can offer is anecdotal evidence: my husband tried this and didn’t suffer any ill effects. On the contrary, it worked very well!

Here’s How it Works

Remember, this is just my husband and I testing out an old home remedy — I’m not recommending that you put old cobwebs on a cut like this. We have bandages and modern disinfectants for a reason after all! This would be a survival situation and a last-ditch option.

First, we found a clump of cobwebs that we could press together in a ball that was large enough to cover the cut. It wasn’t very large, so we didn’t need a lot of cobwebs — we had plenty up in the tall ceiling in our entryway. (Hey, my mother-in-law said it was a good idea to keep a few cobweb corners for this very reason – don’t judge!)

male hand with cut on ring finger

Next, we gently pressed the cobwebs onto the cut and held in place for a few seconds.

When we removed the cobwebs, they’d soaked up any blood AND stopped the bleeding altogether. Pretty cool!

male hands over granite countertop

The cut we tested was a small, superficial cut. I don’t know if this would be effective for a larger injury or if it would be possible to find enough spider webs needed.

I just had to know if this actually worked, but if at all possible, I’d still go with an adhesive bandage.

In any case, this country remedy is confirmed! Thanks grandma!

Related: Click here to learn about natural remedies to keep pests out of the garden!


  1. Michelle Beauliueu

    It worked well on a deep cut I have on my thumb. I used a clean, sticky spider’s web and the cut sealed up within seconds.

  2. dryer lint also works well for packing wounds/ scrapes .
    because of the heat dryer lint soaks up fluid like a sponge
    and adheres well .

    1. I hadn’t heard that one! I would worry a bit that some of the small pieces would get inside the cut?

  3. so I was cutting back my mint with a new ,sharp pair of shears and got distracted and managed to cut my nail and fingertip off. I was slinging blood until I found a spider webb. I put it on and within 3 minutes the bleeding had stopped. Btw I’ve been doing this for years

    1. Thanks for sharing! My MIL has done this for years too!

  4. I have never heard this! I’m a spider lover,(to say the least)… I cannot wait to try this!!!! I’m a clutzy tomboy so it shouldn’t be long now. I actually have spiders in jars so I don’t have to go looking !(when they pass on I make necklaces out of them) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ARTICLE!!!!!!

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